It's now official, VALUEBUX is considered a scam site! They just got too much problems on the site..I invested $7.50 by renting referral on this site just before they got this problems. Afterwards, when I reached the minimum payout by the help of the rented referrals I'm not able to cash out any amount because there is no available method for the payout. Due to this, it made me check the forum to see what's going on, upon checking I had seen a lot of complaints from other members concerning the same problem.
Another thing is that, I found out that it was being sold by a man name Todd who promised a lot to members, so, they opened new suggested plans to make the site stable only to find out that the new owner had abandoned the site and just let moderators and admins run the site. Now the privilege to a member user name Valueman, is managing the site and had so any proposals for the site which I got tired of.
Add up information, the old owner had posted a topic stating the site is dealing with a lot of debts and it has to be closed.. here is the link where you can read full update on the topic;,2803.0.html
Lots of things had been going on, though they did made some payouts to members it is not wise enough to stick around on this site. First reason is that this members got paid because they invested more money as the new admin's new proposal is that we had to be what they call an Elite member on which being one we have to invest at least $8 more on the site in order to get paid. The logic in here? I do believe that it sucks, why would we want to invest again for a small amount of payout we have on our balances. Look at the simple logic here, if I invested $7.50 for the referrals and will again invest $8 just to get paid that is a total amount of $15.50 and i will only begetting $7.30 from them on which I am still short $8.20..Plus, you have to purchase on what they call pool to get paid and what they are advertising is that the more you get pool tickets the more chances you get paid.
this is just plain so tiring, for the members who had invested I do believe that its just plain fair if they will just give us back the money. Here you can see the details;,2852.0.html
As for my further review on this site base on a 2 weeks observation, this site is not gonna last..It's going nowhere but just to scam people. We invest more and the benefits we get is not even break even to what we invested, hence; the winner will be them because they will just get more of our hard earned money online..So I suggest to stop supporting this site and just focus on our legit sites like neobux and
Let us not waste our precious time with sites that are going nowhere..Let's fight scammers!
Thanks for information. So, let's kick out valuebux from internet!
yup, valuebux is indeed a becoming scam site soon please do not invest and please do tell the information to our other buddies
yup, valuebux is indeed a becoming scam site soon please do not invest and please do tell the information to our other buddies
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